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TechNotes is our series of bulletins describing various technology subjects along with useful reference materials:
Pipe Dimensions - Useful to determine internal area for flow meter velocities
Dielectric Constant Values - Detailed listing of many products with their Dielectric Value
Viscosity and Specific Gravity of common liquids - Important parameters for level and flow measurements
What size is this Flange? - You will know when you count the bolts and measure the OD and thickness
Flange Ratings - Pressure ratings for various flange sizes
Pressure Units Conversion Table - Great cross-reference tool
Magnetic Flowmeter Sizing - Aid to calculate the proper size magnetic flowmeter
Surface Finishes - Common terms and cross-reference chart
Phonetic Alphabet - A proven technique to reduce verbal communication errors
Alarm Trips – The Ups and Downs Tutorial
Why Use Temperature Transmitters Instead of Direct Wiring?
Surface Water Monitoring Guide
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
CLFP - California League of Food Processors
FDA - United States of America Food and Drug Administration
ISA - International Society of Automation
ISPE - International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering organization
MANA - The Manufacturer's Agents National Association
Norcal section of ISA - Northern California Section of ISA
SEMI – The Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
WEF – Water Environment Federation